No matter whether you believe in God or not but there is a central force in the universe that connects all of us. Every coincidence that happens in our lives don’t just happen without any reason and similarly, the presence of people at some specific moment to resolve some hurdles in our lives, also doesn’t happen just like that.


Some people stay in our lives longer than others. Some people are a part of our family. Then some people transform us, people whom we meet at some crucial period when we needed help.


Either they are there for few hours to sort out our little problem like the man who helped my father changing the tire of our scooter that night when we were visiting a temple. Or who stays for a temporary period, maybe a year or two to transform our lives. Such people part away from our lives when their work is fulfilled; when their part in our life is complete.


They are no other than the guiding light that the universe sends us. They give us the path or the guidance when they are misguided or lost or help us changing from a negative to a positive person. Once the universe is assured that they changed us as a better person, such people leave our lives. Is it wrong to consider them a part of the miracle that God brings them for us rather than just a mere coincidence? Have you ever found such a person in your life?


There are so many reasons to be grateful about and if we choose to focus on that part which isn’t right, we will lose out immense opportunities from our life. Search your guiding light inside you if you don’t have any. Most of the time, it is a part of your inner voice.

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